In this article, we would like to show you one more feature so that you can solve the problems of processing digital sales reports of your distributor(s), which can happen for several reasons. Whatever the problem is, we do our best to create technological tools so that you, as a manager, spend as little time as possible on bureaucratic issues. So, we try to figure out the problem of why a sale hasn’t been processed, but we need you to validate it to make sure the money flows correctly to where it’s right.
In each sales report processing, we separate all identifiers (ISWC, ISRC, UPC, video, or channel ID) that we could not process into lists, which are available specifically in the profile of each report and you can go check with our help. The first thing we do to help you is to search all digital platforms to see if any of these published and active items exist. If so, we’ll display the information for your conference, and then just click the “Import” button, enter the contract information, and move on to the next item to be resolved.

NOTE: It is always good to have a spreadsheet at hand such as the contractual percentages of the products to do this more easily.

How it’s done

First, go to the reports section and look for a report that has the information “Items to review: 161″, as indicated in the image below.

List of reports indicating items to be resolved

Click on the report with the red indicator to enter the report profile and be able to actually view the identifiers of the unprocessed sales. Right at the profile entry, you will be able to see some information from the last processing, in this case, the important information is “Unprocessed Sales” which displays the monetary amount that has not been processed, and “Number of unprocessed sales“, indicating how many sales represent that amount in money. See the image below:

Report details

By clicking on the “Not Found” tab, which already indicates the number of identifiers that have not been processed, you will be able to view segmented lists of each of them for validation.

List of Not Found Identifiers

To start validating each identifier, just click on the first one and a window will open with the information retrieved from digital platforms (Spotify, Napster, Deezer, Apple Music and etc). If no information is found regarding the identifier clicked, or it is no longer being used, that is, you have changed distributors and ended up generating a new UPC at your new distributor, but you continue to receive reports from the old distributor. In this case, you can solve it by adding the old UPC (this one that doesn’t show up information) to the same product with new UPC in the new distributor. Here’s how to do it in this tutorial .

UPC not available on digital platforms

On the other hand, if information appears, as shown in the image below, it may be because your product was not yet imported into SR or because it did not have contract information so that processing could be done. In both cases, you can solve it right here by clicking the “Import” button.

Product found on digital platforms by ISRC

When you import an item (product, recording, etc.), you will be directed to the item’s profile so that you can add the contract information. That is the percentages of entitlement of each holder related to that product. It’s very simple, just follow this article if you have difficulties.

Porduct imported with successPor fim, todos os identificadores que são importados através desse processo são removidos da lista dos “Itens para revisar”. Quando terminar de revisar e resolver tudo, você pode e deve voltar no perfil do relatório e requisitar o processamento do relatório, que irá trabalhar exatamente em cima desses que não havíamos conseguido processar antes e liberar os valores para todos os titulares.

Finally, all identifiers that are imported through this process are removed from the “Items to Review” list. When you’re done reviewing and resolving everything, you can and should go back to the report profile and request the processing of the report, which will work exactly on top of those that we hadn’t been able to process before and release the values to all holders.

Got any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!



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