How it’s done

1) Access the “Contracts” section

When accessing the Smart Rights system, select the “Contracts” tab (1) in the Admin section. Select a contract from the list or use the search bar to find it.

SMART RIGHTS - Como apagar um contrato - 01 - Localizar

01 – On the Contracts tab, select a contract from the list

2) Complete the information for each party/owner

On the contract details screen, click on the “Parties” tab to see the owners entered. Click on a owner to view more information about it.

SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 01 - Selecione o titular

2.1 – Select the owner to include more information

Click the top right action button to open the menu and select the “Change Data” option.

SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 01 - Completar titular

2.2 – Change the holder’s data to include all necessary information

Enter all requested information in the dialog window.

Warning! Confirm the holder’s correct email, as it will be through this that each party will receive the invitation for digital signature.

SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 02 - Insira as informações do titular

2.3 – Fill in all the owner’s information

    • Person: Select the type of owner, whether Individual or Legal Entity
    • Foreigner: Select this option if the owner is not Brazilian
    • Full Name: Confirm the owner’s full name according to official documents
    • Date of Birth: Enter the owner’s date of birth
    • Pseudonym: Enter the owner’s artistic name, when applicable.
    • CPF: Enter the owner’s CPF
    • Email: Enter the holder’s primary email
    • Telephone: Enter the holder’s telephone number, with area code.
    • Nationality: Enter the nationality of the owner
    • Marital status: Select the option, whether Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced or Separated
    • Profession: Enter the owner’s profession
    • Address: Enter the owner’s full address
    • Finances: Enter the owner’s banking information for receipts, with Bank, Bank Number, Agency and Account
    • PIX type: Select the type of key for the owner’s PIX, whether CPF/CNPJ, Email, Cell phone or Random key
    • PIX number: Enter the owner’s PIX key
    • Association: Select which association the owner is affiliated with
    • CAE: Enter the owner’s CAE code
    • ECAD code: Enter the owner’s ECAD code (if Brazilian)
    • Internal code: Enter an internal identification code, if desired.

Confirm the information in the “Update” button and repeat the procedure for the other parts of the contract.

3) Send the contract for signature

After completing the information for each party, return to the contract details screen and click the actions button (1) top right to “Send for signature” (2)

SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 03 - Enviar contrato

03 – Send the contract for signature

Confirm the submission in the dialog window by clicking the “Continue” button. If you have any pending information from the holders, return to the previous step and make the necessary corrections.

SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 04 - confirmar envio

3.1 – Press “Continue” to confirm sending

Each party will receive the link to the digital signature by email. The contract status will be automatically updated and you will be able to monitor the progress of subscriptions on the Dashboard.
SMART RIGHTS - Como enviar um contrato para assinatura digital - 05 - Status

Got any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!


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