Smart Rights was present at the 1st. edition of the Web Summit in Rio de Janeiro!

The Event

Held from the 1st to the 5th of May, a great event held at Riocentro – Rio de Janeiro, which filled pavilions 3 and 4, the amphitheater, the convention center and the gardens between the buildings with stands, masterclasses, stages and many spaces for network.

The event has the vocation of being a showcase of innovation in all its activities, whether in what is being discussed or what is being exposed, which is why the stages had multiple themes addressed, ranging from discussions on Marketing trends, with PandaConf, to Health trends, with Healthconf, through varied panels that included #crypto, #esg and #AI topics that are constantly evolving and have guaranteed presence on stages in recent years.

Rio de Janeiro was the 1st. edition outside Portugal, but we will have the Web Summit in Qatar (Mar 2024), as well as the thematic conference on Collision technology, which will be held in Toronto (Jun 2023), and the theme on Startups RISE, which will be held in Hong Kong (Mar 2025).


Startups had a very prominent place at the event, being present in all activities such as round-tables, interviews, discussions and space to present their products. The most interesting thing is that the spaces reserved for startups were distributed throughout the event and not in a single and exclusive space, ensuring that startups had more visibility to a greater number of visitors.

Smart Rights was present with its stand, where it had the opportunity to connect with visitors who had different profiles, including self-employed professionals, company representatives and investors. It was an excellent moment to show the community what Smart Rights is doing and to establish new partnerships.

The event is a great opportunity for market players to connect and to demonstrate their innovations to a diverse audience, thus offering various possibilities for connection. Therefore, we are waiting for the 2nd. edit with great anticipation!

#innovation #fintech #startup #innovation #SaaS #musictech


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