Each product has a unique identifier, called UPC (Universal Product Code), which is associated by your distributor when preparing to distribute your product, whether physical or digital.
What happens is that, often, when changing distribution partners (physical, digital), the record producer does not maintain the same UPC, leaving it to the new distributor to create a new UPC and this causes some problems.

The main one is that the record producer will have to deal with 2 or more UPCs for the same product. Another issue is that some record producers, labels and record companies still tend to use different UPCs for the physical and digital products.

With these issues in mind, we created the possibility for our recording producer, label and record label clients to manage this in a simple way, adding more than one UPC to a product and processing sales reports in a transparent way, whilst still maintaining the sales relationship with each of these UPCs. It is important to say that changing UPCs can result in residual income relative to the first UPC.

It is also worth noting that this process can also be done with works, recordings, channels, videos and titles.

How to do it

The process is very simple.

1 – Access the “Products” menu

Go to the products section and choose the product you want to add a new UPC to.

SMART RIGHTS - Como cadastrar mais de um UPC por produto - 01 - Menu de Produtos

2 – Open the actions menu to “Change Data”

Then, click on the icon in the top right corner and choose the “Change data” option from the menu.

SMART RIGHTS - Como cadastrar mais de um UPC por produto - 02 - Alterar dados

3 – Insert new UPC

A window will soon appear to change product information. In this window, there is a “UPCs” tab. Click on it and then on the “Add ID” button, add the new UPC, in this case “123456789012” and click on the “Update” button.

SMART RIGHTS - Como cadastrar mais de um UPC por produto - 03 - Inserir UPC

Done! Your product now has two different UPCs for the same product. Note that the main UPC is displayed by default in the product profile, but you can view them all by clicking “see more” next to the main UPC.

SMART RIGHTS - Como cadastrar mais de um UPC por produto - 04 - Ver todos

Tip: this new UPC can be used in searches too!


The best way to avoid problems with identifiers and always receive your copyright is to keep the identifier! If this is not possible and you already have more than one identifier for your product, channel, video, work, recording, right owner, in short, any of the assets you need to manage, we are here to help you!

Any suggestions, any doubts? Contact us!



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