How it’s done

When accessing SMART MANAGER, you will be directed to the home screen, the Dashboard, which contains a summary of each section of the registered catalog.




Channels – (this article’s topic)


Right Owners

Step 1

To access “Channels” information via the dashboard, locate the item in the central horizontal columns, click on the item in red on the right side.

Step 2

Click on the channel cover.

Step 3

Click on the menu on the top right and click on import videos.

Step 4 

Once you click to import videos, all videos from that channel that are 100% published and open to the public will be loaded into the system.

Step 5

If all videos on this channel have the same commercial agreement between the label and the artist, you can make a single split directly on the channel. And all videos on this channel will have the same split.

Step 6

Click on “add split”.

Step 7

Choose the first and then the second holder, enter their role, then the value of the percentage in the contract and click on the sequence in the green check box.

Step 8

As soon as you enter their roles and click on the green check box, the splits for all videos on this example will be 70% for the Artist and 30% for the Label.

All done. All 37 videos of this channel have now the splits set up.

Step 9

If there are one or more videos on this channel with splits different from the main split, you must locate these videos on the channel and input the splits for each video in question separately.

Got any doubts? Please contact us!


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