
To carry out this tutorial you must first import your digital mechanics collection report into our system. See here how to do it.

How it’s done

1) Select the report to be processed

First, you must enter the “Reports” section within the “Financial” menu group. Then click on the report you want to process.

Como processar relatórios

01- Enter the “Reports” section and select the report to be processed

2- Enter the conversion/exchange exchange rate

Click the stocks icon in the top right corner of the screen to open the action menu. Select the “Edit data” option.

Alterar dados do relatório

02- Click on “Edit data” to open the editing window

In the editing window, enter the “conversion rate”, or if the processing is in the same currency as the report, enter the number 1 (one). Confirm the information and press the “Update” button.

Insira a taxa de conversão

Insira a taxa de conversão

3) Process the report

Click the action icon in the top right corner of the screen to open an action menu. Select the “Edit data” option.

Selecione a opção "Processar"

03 – Select the option “Process”

The file will be sent to the report import queue in our cloud and your report process will be displayed in the “Processes” section of the main menu until it finishes.

Processando relatórios de vendas

04 – Processing sales report

At the end of the import, you will receive an email notification confirming the result of the import and, if successful, a summary of the import, as shown in the image below.

Notificação de Importação de Relatório concluida

05 – Report Import Completed Notification

If the report was not 100% processed, see here how to resolve processing issues.

All done! Now you can generate your payment reports!

If you have any questions about copyright or how to use our system and can’t find it? Contact us!



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