
To follow this tutorial, you need to first import your digital sales report into our system. Learn how to do it here.

How It’s Done

1) Select the Report to Be Processed

First, you should go to the ‘Reports‘ section within the ‘Finances‘ menu group. Then, click on the report you want to process.

Como processar relatórios

01 – Enter the ‘Reports’ section and select the report to be processed.

2) Insert the Conversion Rate

Click on the square action button in the top right corner to open the menu. Select the ‘Modify Data’ option.

SMART RIGHTS - Como processar relatórios - 02 - Taxa de conversão

02 – In the top right action button, open the menu and select the ‘Modify Data’ option.

3. Enter the ‘Conversion Rate’

In the designated field, enter the ‘Conversion Rate‘ for the transaction. If it’s in the local currency, enter the number 1. In the same window, you have the option to enter the ‘Bank Fee,’ if applicable.

After entering all the information, click ‘Update‘ to save the changes.

SMART RIGHTS - Como processar relatórios - 03 - Insira Taxa de conversão

03 – Enter the ‘Conversion Rate’ for the transaction.

4. Process the Information in the Action Menu

Click on the action icon in the top right corner of the screen to open an action menu. Select the ‘Process’ option

Selecione a opção "Processar"04 – Select the ‘Process’ option.

The file will be sent to the report import queue in our cloud, and the process for your report will be displayed in the ‘Processes’ section of the main menu until it’s complete.

Processando relatórios de vendas05 – Processing sales reports.

Upon completion of the import, you will receive an email notification confirming the import result and, if successful, a summary of the process, as shown below.

Relatório de vendas processado

06 – Processed sales reports.If the report hasn’t been 100% processed, learn how to resolve processing issues here.

There you go! Now you can generate your reports for payments.

If you have any questions about copyright or how to use our system and can’t find the answers, please contact us!



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