How it’s done

1 – Viewing information for a recording

First, enter the “Recordings” tab within the “Catalog” section to select a recording. Then select or search for the name of the recording in the search field, and click on it to open more information.

SMART RIGHTS - Como associar manualmente obras a fonogramas - 01 - selecione

01 – Select the recording

2 – Click on the tab “Works”

In the recordings information, open the “Work” tab and click the “Add” button.

SMART RIGHTS - Como associar manualmente obras a fonogramas - 02 - adicionar

02 – Add work to a recording

3 – Select the corresponding work

The system will automatically list the suggestions of works available for that recording. If none appears, type the name of the work in the indicated field to search. Click on the correct work to link with the recording.

SMART RIGHTS - Como associar manualmente obras a fonogramas - 03 - selecionar

03 – Select the corresponding work to link

4 – Confirm link between recording and work

Click on the check box to proceed.

SMART RIGHTS - Como associar manualmente obras a fonogramas - 04 - confirma

04 – Confirm the selection

5 – All set!

A musical icon will appear next to the title of the recording indicating that it already has linked works. The number in front of the “work” section will indicate the number of linked works.
SMART RIGHTS - Como associar manualmente obras a fonogramas - 05 - ok

Any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!


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