In order for physical sales reports to be processed, it is necessary that the products and their ranges have the percentages (splits) agreed upon in contracts with the owners saved in the platform. In this tutorial we will present how to set up those splits. This article is intended for labels and record labels.
NOTE: It is always good to have a spreadsheet at hand such as the contractual percentages of the products (splits) to do this more easily.

How it’s done

Click on each product you want to enter the percentages. With the product open, click the Owners tab to display the list of owners.

Tip: You can filter out products without physical distribution percentages by typing not:physical_owners
Then, click on the “Add Split” button in the “Physical Distribution” section to open a box for entering ownership information.
Enter the name of the owner and the platform will search for your account and show you a list of possible results. You must select it from this list so that the information can be saved. When you select the owner, the typing focus goes straight to the percentage field. Type in the owner’s percentage (split) and just hit “Enter” or click on the green button right next to the percentage field to save the information.
Repeat the process for all owners for that product until the total is 100% or a 1 appears. If any of the owners related to this product do not appear in the search, it is because it needs to be registered first in the “Owners” section of the system.
In this case, we have only 1 fictitious owner with 100% of the physical distribution rights. When the physical sales reports are processed, the amounts will be distributed in this ratio so that payroll is generated and the stamp can pay everyone correctly.

Order of Precedence

For the processing of contracts, there is an order of precedence for the use of percentages, exemplified below:

  • Videos precede Channels;
  • Recordings precede Products;

Isso quer dizer que, se existir um cadastro de porcentagens em um fonograma, este será usado para aquele fonograma dentro de um produto em detrimento das porcentagens no produto. Isso é feito para que você possa ter um produto onde apenas uma faixa possui participação especial, por exemplo.
O mesmo acontece com os vídeos e canais. Você pode ter o canal de um artista em que todos os vídeos, por padrão, são 70% / 30% e um dos vídeos possui uma participação especial em que na divisão dos valores é acrescentada mais uma pessoa. Tornando, assim, as porcentagens em 20% / 50% / 30%.
Desta forma, você não precisa preencher a mesma divisão de porcentagens para todas as faixas de um produto ou para todos os vídeos de um canal.

This means that if there is a record of percentages in a recording, it will be used for that recording within a product instead of the percentages in the product. This is done so that you can have a product where only one track has a feat, for example.
It’s the same with videos and channels. You can have an artist’s channel in which all videos, by default, are 70% / 30% and one of the videos has a special participation in which in the division of values one more person is added. Thus making the percentages 20%/50%/30%. This way, you don’t have to fill in the same percentage split for every track in a product or for every video in a channel.

Got any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!



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