How It’s Done

1) Prepare a spreadsheet with a list of the ISRCs to be imported

The first step is to create a spreadsheet in CSV format with a list of the ISRCs codes of the published recordings.

If you want to update the information that is already in the system, you can export a spreadsheet by following this tutorial and make the necessary changes to the file.

SMART RIGHTS - Como importar fonogramas por lote pelos ISRCs - Planilha

01 – CSV file with ISRCs of released recordings

2) Open the import menu from the Recordings tab

Go to the “Recordings” tab in the Catalog section and click on the actions button in the lower right corner of the screen to find the “Import” button.

SMART RIGHTS - Como importar fonogramas em lote pelo ISRC - 01 - Menu de ações

02-Importing on the action menu

3) Import your spreadsheet

When you click on the “Import” button, a window will appear with the options:

  • Report type: Choose “ISRCs (CSV)” for imports or “Recordings (CSV)” for updates;
  • File: select the spreadsheet file saved on your computer;
  • Notify all: Check this option so that all users in your company are notified when the import is complete. Click the “Import” button to insert the recordings into the system.

Click the “Import” button to add the recordings to the system.

SMART RIGHTS - Como importar fonogramas por lote pelos ISRCs - Importar

02 – Report importing

, your recordings are ready!

Any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!


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