Always working on our commitment to facilitate your metadata and royalties management, we created the import of analytical reports of works and phonograms from Ecad. After all, if this information is already organized in your collecting society, why not just copy it here and manage it simply in just one place?


  • Have a Works Analytical Report in the updated ECAD format on hand.

To find out how to request a report in your company, click here.

How it’s done

1) Access the “Works” section

Enter the “Works” section (1) and click the actions button in the lower right corner of the screen to find the “Import” button (2).

SMART RIGHTS - Como importar um relatório analítico de obras do ECAD - 01 - Importar

01 – Access the “Works” tab to import

When clicking the “Import” button, a window will appear with the options:

  • Type of report: which should be “Works analytical – Ecad”;
  • File: where you will select your analytical works report in Ecad format. The PDF you received or downloaded from your public execution company;
  • Notify everyone: a checkbox so that all users in your company are notified when the report import is complete.


It is interesting to note that, when importing your works analytical report, the system also performs other actions, such as:

  • Import of owners: the system imports all the owners associated with your works and you can manage them in the “Owners” section;

Voi-lá! Your works, right owners and the link between works and recordings are set up! To view them, simply click again on the “Works” tab. The number in the upper right corner indicates the number of works in the system. You can also check this information on the “Dashboard”.

SMART RIGHTS - Como importar um relatório analítico de obras do ECAD - 02 - Listar Obras

02 – Return to the “Works” tab to see the list

Do you have any questions about copyright or how to use our system and can’t find the answer? Contact us!



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