How it’s done

1) Access the “Products” tab

In the left side menu, click on the “Products” tab (1) within the Catalog section.
Use the search bar to facilitate the search for products within the catalogue. Enter the entire name or part of the name and the system will list related products below.

To apply filters to the product list, simply type the following commands in the search bar:

  • Use the “NOT:OWNERS” command to list products that do not have owner information in the split fields.
  • Use the “NOT:RELEASE_DATE” command to list products that have not yet been released.
  • Use the “NOT:IS_EXPLICIT” command to list products with explicit content.

Click the actions button in the bottom left corner and select the “Export” option (2).

SMART RIGHTS - Como exportar produtos - 01 - Pesquisa2) Select the type of report you want to export

When you click on the “Export” option, a window will appear for you to choose the type of file to be chosen. You can select the option to export product metadata or by ownership.

  • Products: Exports the metadata of the products displayed in the search
  • Ownership: Exports owner information and percentages of the products displayed in the search
SMART RIGHTS - Como exportar produtos - 02 - Tipos

02 – Select the type of report

The exported spreadsheet has the following information:

  • Products (CSV):
    • _id
    • upc
    • upcs
    • release_title
    • label
    • artist_name
    • record_type
    • distributor
    • duration
    • explicit_lyrics
    • release_date
    • custom_id
    • owners
    • pro_owners
    • licensing_owners
  • Ownership(CSV):
    • _id
    • upc
    • upcs
    • release_title
    • label
    • artist_name
    • record_type
    • distributor
    • duration
    • explicit_lyrics
    • release_date
    • custom_id
    • owner_id
    • owner
    • owners_category
    • owners_percent
    • licensing_owners_category
    • licensing_owners_percent
    • pro_owners_codigo_ecad
    • pro_owners_category
    • pro_owners_percent
    • pro_owners_lin

Done! Now you can export your information and be even more agile in your rights management!


Did you like this feature?Got any suggestions? Contact us !



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