Some video producers don’t upload to all platforms, such as YouTube. Because of this and our mission to automate all possible bureaucratic tasks, we had the need to create an importer for Apple / iTunes videos. The videos that enter iTunes / Apple have an important particularity, as they receive a UPC and an ISRC. Another peculiarity is that these videos have much less public information than videos hosted on YouTube. In any case, it is necessary to distribute the royalties generated by the execution of these videos. Just like you can import a YouTube video using the video ID, we have created the possibility to import videos that are hosted on Apple/iTunes through the UPC generated for them.

How it’s done

With the UPC in hand, enter the “Videos” section and click on the actions button in the lower right corner of the screen to find the “Register” button.

01- Register video option

When you click on the “Register” button, select the “iTunes” tab and enter your video’s UPC in the “Search for video’s UPC” field. As soon as you enter the UPC, the system will search and fill in the form fields with the information received. Fill in the ISRC of the video to have greater control over processing, searches, and other functions and click on the “Register” button.

2- Search for the product’s UPC in iTunes

The video will be imported, and you will be directed to the video’s profile to fill in information such as the contract percentages by rights and to be able to view a preview of the video.

03- iTunes Video Profile

As mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial, the information shared by Apple/iTunes about the videos is different and in lesser amount. Hence, a slight difference in the display of the videos in the listing of your catalog.

04- Video Listing 

Now you have in your database not only the videos that are on YouTube, but also those that are exclusively on Apple / iTunes within just a few clicks!! Yay!

Got any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!



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