How it’s done

1) Access the “Works” tab

In the left side menu, click on the “Works” tab (1) within the “Catalog” section.
Use the search field to find a work or choose one from the list. Click on it to see details of the work.

SMART RIGHTS - Como exportar vendas de Fonomecânicos Digitais por obras - 01 - Obras

01 – Select a work

2) Open the actions menu to access sales

On the work details screen, click the actions button (1) in the top right corner of the screen. Select the “View Sales” option (2).

SMART RIGHTS - Como exportar vendas de Fonomecânicos Digitais por obras - 02 - Ver Vendas

02 – Click on the actions menu and select “View Sales”

3) Select the period and type of visualization

Select the “Start” (1)  and “End” (2) period in which you want to export a sales report. If you do not select an end period, the system will consider the date of the last information contained in the reports.
Select the type of information you want to view:

  • Sales: Information about asset collection
  • Distribution: Information about the distribution of amounts ​​among right owners

Click on the actions button in the bottom right corner and select “Export” (3) to download a spreadsheet with the information viewed.

SMART RIGHTS - Como exportar vendas de Fonomecânicos Digitais por obras - 03 - Período

03 – Select the period to export

4) Select the type of report you want to export

In the dialog window, select the spreadsheet type as chosen in the previous screen and press the “Export” button to download your spreadsheet.


The exported spreadsheet has the following information:

  • Sales (CSV):
    • _id
    • begin_date
    • end_date
    • import_date
    • country_code
    • country
    • iswc
    • song_title
    • song_composers
    • isrc
    • artist_name
    • release_title
    • store_name
    • offer_type
    • sale_type
    • usage_type
    • asset_type
    • total_sales
    • distributor_tax
    • distributor_net_sales
    • net_sales
    • currency
    • currency_rate
    • real_total_sales
    • real_distributor_net_sales
    • real_net_sales
    • units
    • distributor
    • client_name
    • report_name
    • report_id
    • created_at
  • Distribution (CSV)
    • _id
    • owner
    • owner_id
    • units
    • percent
    • value
    • artist_name
    • song_title
    • iswc
    • codigo_ecad
    • asset_id
    • isrc
    • store_name
    • country
    • distributor
    • sales_id
    • created_at
    • report_name
    • report_id
    • sales_date
    • distributor_date
    • distributor_value
    • client_name


Done! Now you can export your information and be even more agile in your rights management!


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