How it is done

1) Enter the “Digital Mechanical” section

Enter the “Digital Mechanical” section in the “Recipes” section, and click the actions button in the lower right corner of the screen to find the “Import” button.

Como importar relatórios de pagamentos fonomecânicos

01 – Go to the “Digital Mechanical” tab and press the actions button in the bottom right corner to find the “Import” button

2) Select settings and file to import

When clicking the “Import” button, a window will appear with the following options:

  • Type of report: which must be indicated by your collector,
  • File: where you will select your digital mechanic sales report
  • Notify everyone: a checkbox so that all users in your company are notified when the report import is complete.
Importar relatório de vendas de fonomecanicos

02- Import digital mechanical sales report

If you have more than one report for the same month, use the “Add to name” field to differentiate the imported files’ names.

All done! Now you can view month-by-month graphs and better understand how you make more money within digital mechanics.

Do you have any questions about copyright or how to use our system and can’t find it? Contact us!



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