How to do it

It’s simple. The first step is to download the .CSV catalog file from your account at ASCAP’s portal. Once you have this file, you can start the process on Smart Manager. If you can’t download it, then email their support for it.

Then, go to the “Works” section on Smart Manager and click on the actions button in the bottom right corner of the screen to find the “Import” button.

When you click on the “Import” button, a window will appear with the following options:

  • Report type: which should be “Works (ASCAP)”;
  • File: where you will select your analytical report of works in CSV format that you downloaded from the ASCAP website.
  • Notify all: a checkbox so that all users in your company are notified when the report import is complete.
como importar analítico de obras da ASCAP

Select the type as Works (ASCAP) and attach your file.

It is interesting to note that, when importing your analytical report of works, the system also performs other actions, such as:

  • Importing of owners: the system imports all owners associated with your works and you can manage them in the “Owners” section;
  • Synchronization with recordings: our artificial intelligence takes advantage of the import of works and recordings to perform an action of matching works with the recording existing in the system, creating a link between the work and recording and vice versa.

Voyage, your works, owners and the link between works and phonograms are ready!

Any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!



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