How it’s done

1) Select the type of payment you want to issue a report on

First, go to the “Accounting” tab within the “Finances” section. Then select the type of right you want to issue a report on, in this case, “Digital Mechanical“. Click on the “Start” field to open the edition of the reporting period.
Na seção "Financeiro" entrena guia "Contabilidade" e selecione o tipo de direito a gerar relatório.

01 – In the “Finances” section, go to the “Accounting” tab and select the type of right to generate a report then select the period covered by the report

Click and drag the “month” and “year” to select the start date for your report. Press the “done” button to confirm the period.If desired, repeat the action in the “end” field to set an end date for the report.

When leaving the “end” field blank, the system will consider the current date.

Clique e arraste para selecionar o período.

02 – Click and drag to select the period.

3) Select the right owner

On the screen that opens, you will see a list of all right owners and their respective payment amounts for the period. Click on the name of the owner you want to issue a payment report.


Selecione um titular para a emissão do relatório de pagamentos.

03 – Select a rights owner to issue the payment report.

04) Download the report

Click the actions button in the top right corner of the screen and select the type of report you want to issue from the following options:

  • Monthly report: Considers the period of the month selected in “start”.
  • Quarterly report: Considers the period of the quarter starting in the month selected in “start”.
  • Periodic report: considers the entire period between “beginning” and “end”.
Selecione o período do relatório a ser emitido

04 – Select the period of the report to be issued

Press the “done” button to confirm the period. Afterwards, a dialog window will open where you can select the information you want to insert in the report. Press the “generate” button to download the report.

Selecione as informações que deseja inserir no relatório

05 – Select the information you want to insert in the report.

This will be the format of the report issued. Repeat the action for each right owner to pay.

Relatório de Pagamentos de Fonomecânicos por Titular

06 -Digital Mechanical Payments Report, by Right Owner

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