How to do it

1) Consultar informações de um fonograma

First, go to the “Recording” tab within the “Catalog” section to select a recording. Then select or search for the name of the recording in the search field, and click on it to open more information.

SMART RIGHTS - Como copiar os pecentuis de contrato de um fonograma - 01 - Selecione o fonograma

01 – Select the recording

2) Open the “Rights” tab

In this case, we use as an example the copying of the public performance percentage information for digital distribution.
In the “Rights” tab in the “Digital Distribution” section, click on “Copy from” (01).

SMART RIGHTS - Como copiar os pecentuis de contrato de um fonograma - 02 - Copie os titulares

02- In the “Rights” tab, choose the type of right to fill out and press “copy from”

 03) Select where to copy the information

In the selection box that appears, you must select which right you would like to copy.

Note that in “Public Performance” we already have the information registered in your PRO, which is where we will copy the information for the “Digital Distribution” right.

Select the “Public Performance” option and click the “OK” button. Click the green button with the “Check” icon to copy the information.

Selecione o tipo de direito para copiar as porcentagens

03 – Select the type of right “Public Performance” to copy the percentages

Once the copy is made, the information appears in the new section, as selected.

3) Edit the information according to your contract

With the copied information, you can change the “Function” or “Category” of participation of each holder and their “Split“, if it is not the same as the copied right. To do this, simply drag the percentage to the left and click on the green “Edit” button. After entering the correct value, click on the green “check box” to confirm the change.

SMART RIGHTS - Como copiar os pecentuis de contrato de um fonograma - 04 - Ajuste os percentuais

04 – Adjust the percentages, if necessary

The sum of the percentages of all holders must always be equal to 100%, in each type of rights.


Any doubts, any suggestions? Contact us!


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